Current Solar Conditions and It’s Impact on Ham Radio
HF Band Conditions
Band | ||
80m-40m 3.5 - 7.3 MHz |
Poor | Good |
30m-20m 10.1 - 14.35 MHz |
Good | Good |
17m-15m 18.068 - 21.45 MHz |
Good | Good |
12m-10m 24.89 - 29.7 MHz |
Good | Poor |
VHF Band Conditions
Aurora Latitude | 65.6° |
Aurora | Band Closed |
Sporadic E - Europe - 6m | Band Closed |
Sporadic E - Europe - 4m | Band Closed |
Sporadic E - Europe - 2m | Band Closed |
Sporadic E - North America 2m | Band Closed |
Solar Conditions
Sunspots This value is calculated based on the number of sunspots and sunspot groups observed. This value ranges from 0 to 250, with higher numbers indicating better solar activity. |
148 |
Solar Flux This value measures overall solar activity at a wavelength of 10.7 cm. It ranges from 62.5 to 300, with higher values indicating better solar conditions. |
195 |
Geomagnetic Storms This value reflects the overall activity of Earth's magnetic field, based on the K-index. Higher values indicate more significant geomagnetic disturbances. |
quiet |
Solar Wind This value represents the speed of solar wind measured in km/s. It typically ranges from 0 to 1000, with lower speeds generally being better. Higher speeds can contribute to increased noise in radio signals. |
318.1 |
Signal Noise Level This value indicates the noise generated by solar activity, measured in S-units. It is calculated based on the interaction between solar wind and geomagnetic activity. Greater activity and disturbances in the solar wind lead to higher noise levels. |
S1-S2 |
Powered by the Ham Radio Playground Solar Conditions Plugin, with data provided by N0NBH and the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.
Last Updated: Sep 29 2024 01:51 UTC (121583m 45s ago)