Current Solar Conditions and It’s Impact on Ham Radio

HF Band Conditions

Sun IconDaytime Conditions
Moon IconNighttime Conditions
3.5 - 7.3 MHz
Poor Good
10.1 - 14.35 MHz
Good Good
18.068 - 21.45 MHz
Good Good
24.89 - 29.7 MHz
Good Poor

VHF Band Conditions

Aurora Latitude 65.6°
Aurora Band Closed
Sporadic E - Europe - 6m Band Closed
Sporadic E - Europe - 4m Band Closed
Sporadic E - Europe - 2m Band Closed
Sporadic E - North America 2m Band Closed

Solar Conditions

This value is calculated based on the number of sunspots and sunspot groups observed. This value ranges from 0 to 250, with higher numbers indicating better solar activity.
Solar Flux
This value measures overall solar activity at a wavelength of 10.7 cm. It ranges from 62.5 to 300, with higher values indicating better solar conditions.
Geomagnetic Storms
This value reflects the overall activity of Earth's magnetic field, based on the K-index. Higher values indicate more significant geomagnetic disturbances.
Solar Wind
This value represents the speed of solar wind measured in km/s. It typically ranges from 0 to 1000, with lower speeds generally being better. Higher speeds can contribute to increased noise in radio signals.
Signal Noise Level
This value indicates the noise generated by solar activity, measured in S-units. It is calculated based on the interaction between solar wind and geomagnetic activity. Greater activity and disturbances in the solar wind lead to higher noise levels.
Powered by the Ham Radio Playground Solar Conditions Plugin, with data provided by N0NBH and the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.
Last Updated: Sep 29 2024 01:51 UTC (121583m 45s ago)